[STORY] A new Memory Layer...

Can you walk the same path or bathe in the same water twice ?

The Memory Layers was all about revisiting the past, on how memories and present life overlay, intertwine and interact, modefying your actual self. Worked on over the course of a couple of years, the album eventually came out in 2015.

Sometimes critiziced for being too conceptual, orchestrated and over-thought, I guess this album got the least attention of the 4 Redeye / Thisis Redeye albums, and a couple boxes of unsold records still lay around in the garage somewhere... But still, being so drenched in Texas mystique (imagined, written and recorded between Houston, Denton and Austin) and in Lucile Vallez's violins, this collection of songs still resonates (to me) as a sincere and pretty accurate mind map of my early 2010s personal and musical obsessions.

Anyway, recently working on a cyan (color of the record's cover) cardstock paper for a poster job, I remebered the boxes, stranded in the garage, found a bunch of CD copies and 19 unsold vinyl copies of the record. The next day, I was screen printing an alternate cover for the record, with a collection of drawings made back in the days of the writing process. And hey, put the records back up for sale on the bandcamp, as a funny echo to the 2015 release...

Memories, glimpses from the past, shaping the present...

Can you really walk the same path twice ?
